100439. The New Education Fellowship Ninth World Conference : theme: Constructive education and mental health in home, school and community : under the gracious patronage of Her Majesty Queen Juliana of the Netherlands : Utrecht Holland, July 26th - August 8th, 1956 Thirty-fifth Anniversary Conference / [pres. G.W. Arendsen Hein]. - [S.l.] : [s.n.], [1956]. - (Utrecht : H.J. Smits). - 64 p. : ill., omslagtek. : 20 cm. - . - Programmaboekje. - Bevat programma van het congres, CV's van sprekers, programma's van de muziekuitvoeringen en avondbijeenkomsten, adreslijst van instellingen in de stad Utrecht. - (Muller: 6724 28x) PK : VV 22 (1956 003)

100439. The New Education Fellowship Ninth World Conference : theme: Constructive education and mental health in home, school and community : under the gracious patronage of Her Majesty Queen Juliana of the Netherlands : Utrecht Holland, July 26th - August 8th, 1956 Thirty-fifth Anniversary Conference / [pres. G.W. Arendsen Hein]. - [S.l.] : [s.n.], [1956]. - (Utrecht : H.J. Smits). - 64 p. : ill., omslagtek. : 20 cm. - . - Programmaboekje. - Bevat programma van het congres, CV's van sprekers, programma's van de muziekuitvoeringen en avondbijeenkomsten, adreslijst van instellingen in de stad Utrecht. - (Muller: 6724 28x) PK : VV 22 (1956 003)