Two little workes defensiue of our redemption : that our Lord went through the veile of his flesh into heaven, to appeare before God for vs. Which iourney a Talmudist, as the Gospell would terme, a going vp to Paradise: but heathen Greek, a going downe to Hades, and Latin, descendere ad inferos. Wherein the vnlearned barbarous anger God and man, saying, that Iesus descended to hell. and yeelde vnto ihe [sic] blasphemous Iewes by sure consequence vpon their words, that he should not be the holy one of God. By Hugh Broughton

Two little workes defensiue of our redemption : that our Lord went through the veile of his flesh into heaven, to appeare before God for vs. Which iourney a Talmudist, as the Gospell would terme, a going vp to Paradise: but heathen Greek, a going downe to Hades, and Latin, descendere ad inferos. Wherein the vnlearned barbarous anger God and man, saying, that Iesus descended to hell. and yeelde vnto ihe [sic] blasphemous Iewes by sure consequence vpon their words, that he should not be the holy one of God. By Hugh Broughton