An explication of the article katēlthen eis haidoū : of our Lordes soules going from his body to paradise; touched by the Greek, generally haidou, the vvorld of the soules; termed Hel by the old Saxon, & by all our translations; vvith a defense of the Q. of Englands religion: to, & against the Archb. of Canterbury: vvho is blamed for turning the Q auctority against her ovvne faith. Sundry epistles are prefixed and affixed. by H. Br

An explication of the article katēlthen eis haidoū : of our Lordes soules going from his body to paradise; touched by the Greek, generally haidou, the vvorld of the soules; termed Hel by the old Saxon, & by all our translations; vvith a defense of the Q. of Englands religion: to, & against the Archb. of Canterbury: vvho is blamed for turning the Q auctority against her ovvne faith. Sundry epistles are prefixed and affixed. by H. Br