The New Testament of our Lord Iesvs Christ, / translated out of Greeke by Theod. Beza: with briefe summaries and expositions vpon the hard places by the said avthor, Ioac. Camer. and P. Loseler Villerius. Englished by L. Tomson, together with the annotations of Fr. Iunius upon the Reuelation of S. Iohn

The New Testament of our Lord Iesvs Christ, / translated out of Greeke by Theod. Beza: with briefe summaries and expositions vpon the hard places by the said avthor, Ioac. Camer. and P. Loseler Villerius. Englished by L. Tomson, together with the annotations of Fr. Iunius upon the Reuelation of S. Iohn