Quality programme for agricultural products : results residue monitoring in the Netherlands : KAP-report no. 5, results monitoring 1997 / [author: J.D. van Klaveren ; co-authors: G. van Donkersgoed ... et al. ; photogr.: Ploeg creatieve Communicatie ; graph.: du Rieu Grafisch Ontwerpers BNO, Louk Matser ; transl. from the Dutch]

Quality programme for agricultural products : results residue monitoring in the Netherlands : KAP-report no. 5, results monitoring 1997 / [author: J.D. van Klaveren ; co-authors: G. van Donkersgoed ... et al. ; photogr.: Ploeg creatieve Communicatie ; graph.: du Rieu Grafisch Ontwerpers BNO, Louk Matser ; transl. from the Dutch]