Rimbault, Edward Francis. The Pianoforte, Its Origin, Process, and Construction: With Some Account of Instruments of the Same Class which Preceded It; Viz. the Clavichord, the Virginal, the Spinet, the Harpsichord, Etc.; to which is Added a Selection of Interesting Specimens of Music Composed for Keyed-stringed Instruments. London: R. Cocks and Company, 1860.

Rimbault, Edward Francis. The Pianoforte, Its Origin, Process, and Construction: With Some Account of Instruments of the Same Class which Preceded It; Viz. the Clavichord, the Virginal, the Spinet, the Harpsichord, Etc.; to which is Added a Selection of Interesting Specimens of Music Composed for Keyed-stringed Instruments. London: R. Cocks and Company, 1860.