
A BreadcrumbList is an ItemList consisting of a chain of linked Web pages, typically described using at least their URL and their name, and typically ending with the current page.<br/><br/> The <a class="localLink" href="">position</a> property is used to reconstruct the order of the items in a BreadcrumbList The convention is that a breadcrumb list has an <a class="localLink" href="">itemListOrder</a> of <a class="localLink" href="">ItemListOrderAscending</a> (lower values listed first), and that the first items in this list correspond to the "top" or beginning of the breadcrumb trail, e.g. with a site or section homepage. The specific values of 'position' are not assigned meaning for a BreadcrumbList, but they should be integers, e.g. beginning with '1' for the first item in the list.


A BreadcrumbList is an ItemList consisting of a chain of linked Web pages, typically described using at least their URL and their name, and typically ending with the current page.<br/><br/> The <a class="localLink" href="">position</a> property is used to reconstruct the order of the items in a BreadcrumbList The convention is that a breadcrumb list has an <a class="localLink" href="">itemListOrder</a> of <a class="localLink" href="">ItemListOrderAscending</a> (lower values listed first), and that the first items in this list correspond to the "top" or beginning of the breadcrumb trail, e.g. with a site or section homepage. The specific values of 'position' are not assigned meaning for a BreadcrumbList, but they should be integers, e.g. beginning with '1' for the first item in the list.