
A property-value pair, e.g. representing a feature of a product or place. Use the 'name' property for the name of the property. If there is an additional human-readable version of the value, put that into the 'description' property.<br/><br/> Always use specific properties when a) they exist and b) you can populate them. Using PropertyValue as a substitute will typically not trigger the same effect as using the original, specific property.


A property-value pair, e.g. representing a feature of a product or place. Use the 'name' property for the name of the property. If there is an additional human-readable version of the value, put that into the 'description' property.<br/><br/> Always use specific properties when a) they exist and b) you can populate them. Using PropertyValue as a substitute will typically not trigger the same effect as using the original, specific property.