Kamerschermen Vroege lente

Folding Screens of Early Spring Japanese paintings often depict a specific seasonal moment. The blossoms on the snow-covered plum branches suggest that the worst of the winter cold has passed. The left-hand screen features vernal flowers, which together with the new green shoots of the willow tree herald the arrival of early spring. Hence, these screens would have been used for only short periods, at that specific time of the year.

Kamerschermen Vroege lente

Folding Screens of Early Spring Japanese paintings often depict a specific seasonal moment. The blossoms on the snow-covered plum branches suggest that the worst of the winter cold has passed. The left-hand screen features vernal flowers, which together with the new green shoots of the willow tree herald the arrival of early spring. Hence, these screens would have been used for only short periods, at that specific time of the year.