Model of a 30-pounder carronade in a battery Vlissingen

The carronade was invented by the Carron ironworks in Scotland. In English, the weapon was commonly known as a ‘smasher’, owing to its devastating power at close range. Thanks to its modest dimensions and sliding mount to absorb recoil, this short cannon could also be deployed on smaller ships. The model displays all the requisite accessories: an ammunition rack, powder horns, pouch-topped powder kegs, shrapnel shells and cartridge cases.

Model of a 30-pounder carronade in a battery Vlissingen

The carronade was invented by the Carron ironworks in Scotland. In English, the weapon was commonly known as a ‘smasher’, owing to its devastating power at close range. Thanks to its modest dimensions and sliding mount to absorb recoil, this short cannon could also be deployed on smaller ships. The model displays all the requisite accessories: an ammunition rack, powder horns, pouch-topped powder kegs, shrapnel shells and cartridge cases.