The Return to Amsterdam of the Second Expedition to the East Indies

The Dutch first reached the Indonesian archipelago in 1596. But above all it was the second attempt, in 1598, that was a commercial triumph. As stated in the inscription on the frame, ‘trade was planted there’ at that time. The first step towards the success of the future VOC had been taken. It was a truly joyous occasion when the fully laden ships dropped anchor again in Amsterdam’s harbour in 1599.

The Return to Amsterdam of the Second Expedition to the East Indies

The Dutch first reached the Indonesian archipelago in 1596. But above all it was the second attempt, in 1598, that was a commercial triumph. As stated in the inscription on the frame, ‘trade was planted there’ at that time. The first step towards the success of the future VOC had been taken. It was a truly joyous occasion when the fully laden ships dropped anchor again in Amsterdam’s harbour in 1599.