Pompeius Occo

Pompeius Occo (1483–1537) came from a north German family and grew up in Augsburg. In 1511 he settled in Amsterdam as a representative of the Fugger banking house and business firm of Augsburg. He played a leading role in the city’s cultural and religious life. The skull alludes to the transience of earthly existence, and the red carnation to the hope of eternal life.

Pompeius Occo

Pompeius Occo (1483–1537) came from a north German family and grew up in Augsburg. In 1511 he settled in Amsterdam as a representative of the Fugger banking house and business firm of Augsburg. He played a leading role in the city’s cultural and religious life. The skull alludes to the transience of earthly existence, and the red carnation to the hope of eternal life.