Pan and Syrinx

The eternally lustful god of the woods and fields, Pan, has his sights set on the chaste nymph Syrinx, a follower of the goddess Diana. When Syrinx’s escape is blocked by a river and Pan is about to overpower her, she is transformed into tall reeds. Pan made a set of pipes from them. Van Everdingen placed all of the emphasis on the fleeing Syrinx; Pan can hardly be detected in the dark forest.

Pan and Syrinx

The eternally lustful god of the woods and fields, Pan, has his sights set on the chaste nymph Syrinx, a follower of the goddess Diana. When Syrinx’s escape is blocked by a river and Pan is about to overpower her, she is transformed into tall reeds. Pan made a set of pipes from them. Van Everdingen placed all of the emphasis on the fleeing Syrinx; Pan can hardly be detected in the dark forest.