General Daendels Taking Leave of Lieutenant-Colonel Krayenhoff

The French army, which had invaded the Netherlands at the request of the Dutch Patriots, had already reached Utrecht when Daendels, a Dutch general in French service, sent Krayenhoff to Amsterdam. He was to ask the city council to step aside so that a new –Patriot –government could be installed before the French arrived. The change of authority took place in Amsterdam that same evening, 18 January 1795.

General Daendels Taking Leave of Lieutenant-Colonel Krayenhoff

The French army, which had invaded the Netherlands at the request of the Dutch Patriots, had already reached Utrecht when Daendels, a Dutch general in French service, sent Krayenhoff to Amsterdam. He was to ask the city council to step aside so that a new –Patriot –government could be installed before the French arrived. The change of authority took place in Amsterdam that same evening, 18 January 1795.