Hollyhock (Alcea rosea)

The botanical drawings in the albums were in part made by other artists. For example, De Boodt commissioned 200 drawings from the Delft floral painter Elias Verhulst. De Boodt later lamented that they had not all been drawn from live models. It was in fact common practice to copy drawings and prints. This hollyhock was most likely drawn by De Boodt himself, and probably from life.

Hollyhock (Alcea rosea)

The botanical drawings in the albums were in part made by other artists. For example, De Boodt commissioned 200 drawings from the Delft floral painter Elias Verhulst. De Boodt later lamented that they had not all been drawn from live models. It was in fact common practice to copy drawings and prints. This hollyhock was most likely drawn by De Boodt himself, and probably from life.