Susan Abrahams Wearing Clothing by Susan Small, for Vogue

From the beginning of fashion photography, many photographs were taken indoors, in the photographer’s studio, where the lighting could be controlled. However, from the 1930s on fashion photographers increasingly took to the streets. Parkinson was a consummate representative of this trend in the 1940s and 50s. By having the models pose out of doors, beauty and elegance assumed a more casual character.

Susan Abrahams Wearing Clothing by Susan Small, for Vogue

From the beginning of fashion photography, many photographs were taken indoors, in the photographer’s studio, where the lighting could be controlled. However, from the 1930s on fashion photographers increasingly took to the streets. Parkinson was a consummate representative of this trend in the 1940s and 50s. By having the models pose out of doors, beauty and elegance assumed a more casual character.