Two Designs for Brooches with a Fruit Garland

Naturalistic jewellery with recognizable flowers and fruit was in vogue throughout the entire 19th century. The cultivation of exotic variants was a popular hobby among the well-to-do and, moreover, this type of jewellery was easy to wear from day to night. The design of these two bar brooches hardly differs. Cameré may have designed these brooches on commission; the one on the left was eventually accepted (accepté).

Two Designs for Brooches with a Fruit Garland

Naturalistic jewellery with recognizable flowers and fruit was in vogue throughout the entire 19th century. The cultivation of exotic variants was a popular hobby among the well-to-do and, moreover, this type of jewellery was easy to wear from day to night. The design of these two bar brooches hardly differs. Cameré may have designed these brooches on commission; the one on the left was eventually accepted (accepté).