The Annunciation to the Shepherds

A group of shepherds gaze up to heaven, where an angel has appeared to announce the birth of Jesus. Moeyaert devoted a great deal of attention to the subtle effects of light in this splendid composition. Moeyaert enjoyed a long career, during which he witnessed Rembrandt’s fame. In this instance, he probably took inspiration from Rembrandt’s famous 1634 etching of the same subject.

The Annunciation to the Shepherds

A group of shepherds gaze up to heaven, where an angel has appeared to announce the birth of Jesus. Moeyaert devoted a great deal of attention to the subtle effects of light in this splendid composition. Moeyaert enjoyed a long career, during which he witnessed Rembrandt’s fame. In this instance, he probably took inspiration from Rembrandt’s famous 1634 etching of the same subject.