The Waterfall at Tivoli

In 1807 Abraham Teerlink received a grant from Louis Napoleon to travel to Italy. After the King’s abdication, he decided to stay there and became a highly success-ful landscape painter. These two views of Tivoli, near Rome, are pendants. On top of the hill is the village of Tivoli, and in the background is the circular Temple of Vesta, goddess of domestic harmony.

The Waterfall at Tivoli

In 1807 Abraham Teerlink received a grant from Louis Napoleon to travel to Italy. After the King’s abdication, he decided to stay there and became a highly success-ful landscape painter. These two views of Tivoli, near Rome, are pendants. On top of the hill is the village of Tivoli, and in the background is the circular Temple of Vesta, goddess of domestic harmony.