Model of the Philips Pavilion at Expo 58

At the invitation of Philips, the Dutch electronics firm, the architects Le Corbusier and Iannis Xenakis designed a pavilion for Expo 58, the world’s fair held in Brussels. The concrete building was coated with aluminium paint. Inside there was a multimedia show with film, coloured light and electronic music. Planes of colour in the entrance set the tone for the ‘electronic performance’ inside, which attracted one and a half million visitors.

Model of the Philips Pavilion at Expo 58

At the invitation of Philips, the Dutch electronics firm, the architects Le Corbusier and Iannis Xenakis designed a pavilion for Expo 58, the world’s fair held in Brussels. The concrete building was coated with aluminium paint. Inside there was a multimedia show with film, coloured light and electronic music. Planes of colour in the entrance set the tone for the ‘electronic performance’ inside, which attracted one and a half million visitors.