Damage After the First World War

After the end of the First World War, the Panoramic Photo Company, established in France, took photographs in various heavily shelled Belgian and northern French cities. The broad panoramic format brought the ravages to life more vividly than any other kind of ‘normal’ photograph could have. In addition to cities such as Ypres, Lille, and Arras, the firm also photographed the former battlefield. Intense fighting took place around Mont Kemmel in the final year of the war.

Damage After the First World War

After the end of the First World War, the Panoramic Photo Company, established in France, took photographs in various heavily shelled Belgian and northern French cities. The broad panoramic format brought the ravages to life more vividly than any other kind of ‘normal’ photograph could have. In addition to cities such as Ypres, Lille, and Arras, the firm also photographed the former battlefield. Intense fighting took place around Mont Kemmel in the final year of the war.