Mantel clock with two vases

This richly ornamented ensemble of a clock and two vases was meant to be placed on a mantelshelf. The clock was shown at the 1925 Exposition des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes in Paris. The medallions around the clock face advocate a harmonious division of personal time between mental and physical labour, play and rest. An inscription below the clock face translates as: ‘When the work of mind and hand unwinds in play and rest’.

Mantel clock with two vases

This richly ornamented ensemble of a clock and two vases was meant to be placed on a mantelshelf. The clock was shown at the 1925 Exposition des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes in Paris. The medallions around the clock face advocate a harmonious division of personal time between mental and physical labour, play and rest. An inscription below the clock face translates as: ‘When the work of mind and hand unwinds in play and rest’.