Allegory on Oliver Cromwell

Oliver Cromwell, the victor in the English Civil War, is shown as a tyrant – oppressing the French, Dutch, Irish and Scots. He is mocked for his love of money: he is being crowned by a mythological winged beast (a griffon), which conveniently produces gold coins from its backside, a detail that is disingenuous, to say the least, since who would not be pleased to possess such a pet?

Allegory on Oliver Cromwell

Oliver Cromwell, the victor in the English Civil War, is shown as a tyrant – oppressing the French, Dutch, Irish and Scots. He is mocked for his love of money: he is being crowned by a mythological winged beast (a griffon), which conveniently produces gold coins from its backside, a detail that is disingenuous, to say the least, since who would not be pleased to possess such a pet?