Isaac Pontanus Giving a Gold Medal to his Grandson Hendrik van Beek

Hendrik van Beek was a leap-day child, born on 29 February 1680. Hence, he could celebrate his actual birthday for the second time only eight years later. His grandfather may have felt that he therefore deserved a special present: a gold medal. The bestowal of this medal is recorded in this double portrait, which was painted for the lid of the small box in which the medal was kept.

Isaac Pontanus Giving a Gold Medal to his Grandson Hendrik van Beek

Hendrik van Beek was a leap-day child, born on 29 February 1680. Hence, he could celebrate his actual birthday for the second time only eight years later. His grandfather may have felt that he therefore deserved a special present: a gold medal. The bestowal of this medal is recorded in this double portrait, which was painted for the lid of the small box in which the medal was kept.