Visit to an Oil Field in Purissima Hills, USA

In 1908 Kessler accompanied the director of Koninklijke Olie (Royal Dutch Petroleum Company, later Shell), Henri Deterding, as secretary on a world tour. He travelled to Canada and the United States via the Dutch East Indies, Singapore, China, and Japan. Dolph’s photo album contains pictures of an oil field in California, as well as San Francisco’s town hall which had collapsed during an earthquake.

Visit to an Oil Field in Purissima Hills, USA

In 1908 Kessler accompanied the director of Koninklijke Olie (Royal Dutch Petroleum Company, later Shell), Henri Deterding, as secretary on a world tour. He travelled to Canada and the United States via the Dutch East Indies, Singapore, China, and Japan. Dolph’s photo album contains pictures of an oil field in California, as well as San Francisco’s town hall which had collapsed during an earthquake.