Erotic Series with Couples in Bed

The tradition of depicting couples caught in the act originated in Marcantonio Raimondi’s famous engraved series I modi (The Sixteen Pleasures, 1524) after Giulio Romano. Such printed series offered a visual catalogue of sexual positions. As the subject never got old, such series were issued throughout the ages, the printmakers – mostly anonymous – simply adapting the setting to the taste of their time.

Erotic Series with Couples in Bed

The tradition of depicting couples caught in the act originated in Marcantonio Raimondi’s famous engraved series I modi (The Sixteen Pleasures, 1524) after Giulio Romano. Such printed series offered a visual catalogue of sexual positions. As the subject never got old, such series were issued throughout the ages, the printmakers – mostly anonymous – simply adapting the setting to the taste of their time.