Diorama of a Slave Dance

Taking place in the tent is a du, a type of entertainment with music and dance that was performed at plantations. Both the performers and the audience were slaves. The lead role was played by the afrankeri, the narrator (the woman at far left). The man in the red outfit on the right plays the king. The Europeans in Suriname loved this kind of folklore. They bought Schouten’s dioramas as souvenirs.

Diorama of a Slave Dance

Taking place in the tent is a du, a type of entertainment with music and dance that was performed at plantations. Both the performers and the audience were slaves. The lead role was played by the afrankeri, the narrator (the woman at far left). The man in the red outfit on the right plays the king. The Europeans in Suriname loved this kind of folklore. They bought Schouten’s dioramas as souvenirs.