Reflections in the Water, Canal in Rotterdam

The first genuine artistic movement in photography, known as Pictorialism, arose at the end of the 19th century. It aimed to counterbalance the unimaginative work of professional photographers. The Pictorialists emphasized individuality and the picturesque in photography. Their photographs were published in international magazines, such as Camera Work and Die Kunst in der Photographie, and were on view in exhibitions in Europe and America.

Reflections in the Water, Canal in Rotterdam

The first genuine artistic movement in photography, known as Pictorialism, arose at the end of the 19th century. It aimed to counterbalance the unimaginative work of professional photographers. The Pictorialists emphasized individuality and the picturesque in photography. Their photographs were published in international magazines, such as Camera Work and Die Kunst in der Photographie, and were on view in exhibitions in Europe and America.