Lace wedding dress

This wedding dress is made entirely of Brussels appliqué. This type of lace consists of a machine-made tulle onto which the separately made decorative bobbin lace ornaments are sewn by hand. This involves less work than making a bobbin lace dress and is therefore cheaper. Lace (wedding) dresses are rare and were not only passed down, but later also collected. This gown was donated to the museum by the Dutch ‘Het Kantsalet’ Lace Society.

Lace wedding dress

This wedding dress is made entirely of Brussels appliqué. This type of lace consists of a machine-made tulle onto which the separately made decorative bobbin lace ornaments are sewn by hand. This involves less work than making a bobbin lace dress and is therefore cheaper. Lace (wedding) dresses are rare and were not only passed down, but later also collected. This gown was donated to the museum by the Dutch ‘Het Kantsalet’ Lace Society.