Job on the Dung Heap

The sculptor Albert Jansz Vinckenbrinck is chiefly known for the pulpit that he carved for the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam. Most of his work, however, is considerably less monumental. His speciality was small-scale reliefs and figures carved in boxwood, mostly of religious subjects, like the one on view here. These miniature carvings were particularly valued for their wealth of finely executed details.

Job on the Dung Heap

The sculptor Albert Jansz Vinckenbrinck is chiefly known for the pulpit that he carved for the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam. Most of his work, however, is considerably less monumental. His speciality was small-scale reliefs and figures carved in boxwood, mostly of religious subjects, like the one on view here. These miniature carvings were particularly valued for their wealth of finely executed details.