Model of the stern of a 44-gun frigate

This model shows the stern of a frigate on a slipway. Rounding of the stern was introduced into ship design in the early 19th century. Although the stern of this model is ornamented with trophies, it is otherwise extremely sober, in keeping with contemporary taste. A prominent feature is the State’s coat-of-arms, carried by all ships of the Royal Netherlands Navy. The half-rounded gallery accommodates the officers’ latrine.

Model of the stern of a 44-gun frigate

This model shows the stern of a frigate on a slipway. Rounding of the stern was introduced into ship design in the early 19th century. Although the stern of this model is ornamented with trophies, it is otherwise extremely sober, in keeping with contemporary taste. A prominent feature is the State’s coat-of-arms, carried by all ships of the Royal Netherlands Navy. The half-rounded gallery accommodates the officers’ latrine.