Chalice, paten and spoon

A chalice is an important object in the Roman Catholic tradition, for in it the wine is changed into the blood of Christ. During Mass, the priest pours the wine into the chalice and places the Host (communion wafer), which stands for Christ’s body, on a paten, a small plate. With the spoon, he then adds water to the wine: according to the Bible, this was the composition of Christ’s blood after his death.

Chalice, paten and spoon

A chalice is an important object in the Roman Catholic tradition, for in it the wine is changed into the blood of Christ. During Mass, the priest pours the wine into the chalice and places the Host (communion wafer), which stands for Christ’s body, on a paten, a small plate. With the spoon, he then adds water to the wine: according to the Bible, this was the composition of Christ’s blood after his death.