Gate from Over-Amstel Estate

This gate was the entrance to Over-Amstel, a country estate located just outside of Amsterdam. The gate was probably made when the manor changed hands in 1763 and at that time was named Over-Amstel. A glassworks was established on the grounds between 1835 and 1887, and the gate then served as the factory entrance until it was gifted to the Rijksmuseum in 1890.

Gate from Over-Amstel Estate

This gate was the entrance to Over-Amstel, a country estate located just outside of Amsterdam. The gate was probably made when the manor changed hands in 1763 and at that time was named Over-Amstel. A glassworks was established on the grounds between 1835 and 1887, and the gate then served as the factory entrance until it was gifted to the Rijksmuseum in 1890.