Potje, met veer- en wolkmotieven

Industrieel vervaardigd potje met handbeschilderde motieven. Door traditioneel stoken gaat veel werk door breuk verloren. Op twee manieren werd daarop gereageerd. Bedrijfjes leverden "greenware," blanco vaatwerk dat in allerlei vormen in matrijzen werd gespoten en elektrische ovens werd gebakken. Dat werd vervolgens op traditionele wijze beschilderd. De Indianen noemen dit ook niet "pottery" maar "ceramics." Helemaal handgemaakt aardewerk is duurder.<BR> <BR> "Ka-waikkah" is the traditional name of Laguna and means Lake People. Traditional Laguna pottery is similar to that of Acoma, but pottery similar to that of Zuni was also produced. Crushed potsherds are used as temper and decorations are painted on in red and black on a light-gray to white surface. In 1880 the rail¬road station reached the pueblo and a sdepot was opened. Soon potters were catering to the taste of travellers and tou¬rists, producing curios and miniatures in large quantities. Their own traditional pottery waned, only stopping short from oblivion. However, Laguna potterymaking was revived in the 1970s, notably by example from Evelyn Cheromiah and Gladys Paquin. Traditional pottery experienced a comeback but Laguna potters also are open to outside influences as is shown by some micaceous and blackwares, scraffitto carving and modern design.<BR> <BR> The feast of Saint Joseph, celebrated on March 19 and September 19 attracts many visitors to the festivities, including a Pueblo baseball tournament and arts and crafts market. The tribally owned Casa Blanca Commercial Center on highway I-40 includes a super market and several shops offering pottery for sale. Arts and crafts fairs are organized on Mother's Day and in early December.<BR>

Potje, met veer- en wolkmotieven

Industrieel vervaardigd potje met handbeschilderde motieven. Door traditioneel stoken gaat veel werk door breuk verloren. Op twee manieren werd daarop gereageerd. Bedrijfjes leverden "greenware," blanco vaatwerk dat in allerlei vormen in matrijzen werd gespoten en elektrische ovens werd gebakken. Dat werd vervolgens op traditionele wijze beschilderd. De Indianen noemen dit ook niet "pottery" maar "ceramics." Helemaal handgemaakt aardewerk is duurder.<BR> <BR> "Ka-waikkah" is the traditional name of Laguna and means Lake People. Traditional Laguna pottery is similar to that of Acoma, but pottery similar to that of Zuni was also produced. Crushed potsherds are used as temper and decorations are painted on in red and black on a light-gray to white surface. In 1880 the rail¬road station reached the pueblo and a sdepot was opened. Soon potters were catering to the taste of travellers and tou¬rists, producing curios and miniatures in large quantities. Their own traditional pottery waned, only stopping short from oblivion. However, Laguna potterymaking was revived in the 1970s, notably by example from Evelyn Cheromiah and Gladys Paquin. Traditional pottery experienced a comeback but Laguna potters also are open to outside influences as is shown by some micaceous and blackwares, scraffitto carving and modern design.<BR> <BR> The feast of Saint Joseph, celebrated on March 19 and September 19 attracts many visitors to the festivities, including a Pueblo baseball tournament and arts and crafts market. The tribally owned Casa Blanca Commercial Center on highway I-40 includes a super market and several shops offering pottery for sale. Arts and crafts fairs are organized on Mother's Day and in early December.<BR>