'Shaman hunter'

A shaman was at the Inuit a man or woman who could get in touch with the upper world to entreat for favourable weather, animals in abundance and health. Guiding spirits in the form of animals helped in doing so. Gods and spirits dominated especially the weather, the annual migrations of animals and human health. Relationships between people, animals and other creatures were regulated by a complex system of rules and taboos. Disaster was usually the result of violating taboos. Because of the special gifts a shaman was honoured and feared at the same time. Shortly after World War Two Canadian Inuit figurines were rarely larger than 10 inches. These crafts developed into (modern) art. Also this image is particularly artistically designed and made with craftsmanship.

'Shaman hunter'

A shaman was at the Inuit a man or woman who could get in touch with the upper world to entreat for favourable weather, animals in abundance and health. Guiding spirits in the form of animals helped in doing so. Gods and spirits dominated especially the weather, the annual migrations of animals and human health. Relationships between people, animals and other creatures were regulated by a complex system of rules and taboos. Disaster was usually the result of violating taboos. Because of the special gifts a shaman was honoured and feared at the same time. Shortly after World War Two Canadian Inuit figurines were rarely larger than 10 inches. These crafts developed into (modern) art. Also this image is particularly artistically designed and made with craftsmanship.