
Dogon children are eager to learn and enjoy going to school. In addition to doing their schoolwork, they are expected to help with everyday chores. Girls in particular are expected to help in the household and with the upbringing of the younger children. In their free time, Dogon children like to make toys from materials in their immediate surroundings. These children’s toys are highly imaginative, creative, and innovative. Children’s games often reflect the behaviour or activities of adults. Games thus serve indirectly as training for adulthood and give children a taste of what lies ahead.


Dogon children are eager to learn and enjoy going to school. In addition to doing their schoolwork, they are expected to help with everyday chores. Girls in particular are expected to help in the household and with the upbringing of the younger children. In their free time, Dogon children like to make toys from materials in their immediate surroundings. These children’s toys are highly imaginative, creative, and innovative. Children’s games often reflect the behaviour or activities of adults. Games thus serve indirectly as training for adulthood and give children a taste of what lies ahead.