
According to the doctrine of the Buddha, those who want to be freed from the circle of reincarnation and suffering must distanciate themselves from the world, learn the sacred texts and live in accordance to the Buddha’s teachings. Those who choose this path and become monks leave their family and friends behind, and rely on believers’ alms for food. Early in the morning Theravada monks roam the streets. They stop in front of houses and wait in silence for someone to come and fill their bowl with rice and other types of food. This black begging bowl is made of iron, the lid and the base are made of brass.


According to the doctrine of the Buddha, those who want to be freed from the circle of reincarnation and suffering must distanciate themselves from the world, learn the sacred texts and live in accordance to the Buddha’s teachings. Those who choose this path and become monks leave their family and friends behind, and rely on believers’ alms for food. Early in the morning Theravada monks roam the streets. They stop in front of houses and wait in silence for someone to come and fill their bowl with rice and other types of food. This black begging bowl is made of iron, the lid and the base are made of brass.