
A representation of two faces probably refers to the myth of two brothers, who are to be considered cultural heroes. Moro had the head of a man and the body of a snake. The other brother, Aisipel, looked like an ordinary human being. <Br> Drums of this type are characteristic of the Huon Gulf region, the Tami and Siassi Islands and the Kilenge region on western New Britain. Making a proper drum includes specialized workmanship that sometimes takes months. A drum accompanies dancing during festivities. The drumhead is tightened by holding it above a fire allowing the moisture to escape.


A representation of two faces probably refers to the myth of two brothers, who are to be considered cultural heroes. Moro had the head of a man and the body of a snake. The other brother, Aisipel, looked like an ordinary human being. <Br> Drums of this type are characteristic of the Huon Gulf region, the Tami and Siassi Islands and the Kilenge region on western New Britain. Making a proper drum includes specialized workmanship that sometimes takes months. A drum accompanies dancing during festivities. The drumhead is tightened by holding it above a fire allowing the moisture to escape.