Kleurenhoutsnede, 4e staat

Een van negen fasen van een blokprent, voorstellend een Jianniuhua (Pharbitis nil)-rank met bloem, knop en blad, uitgevoerd in nuances van zwart en rood. Signatuur: Baishi. Stempel: Qi da.<BR> <BR> Qi Baishi: b. Nov. 22, 1863, Xiangtan, Hunan province, China d. Sept. 16, 1957, Peking <BR> Also called Qi Huang, one of the last of the great traditional Chinese painters. <BR> Qi Baishi was of humble origins and largely through his own efforts became adept at the arts of poetry, calligraphy, and painting. He was active to the end of his long life and served as head of the Peking Institute of Chinese Painting. His prodigious output reflects a diversity of interests and experience, generally within the smaller things of the world rather than the large landscape, and he continued the styles of such 17th- and 18th-century Individualists as Shitao and Zhu Da.

Kleurenhoutsnede, 4e staat

Een van negen fasen van een blokprent, voorstellend een Jianniuhua (Pharbitis nil)-rank met bloem, knop en blad, uitgevoerd in nuances van zwart en rood. Signatuur: Baishi. Stempel: Qi da.<BR> <BR> Qi Baishi: b. Nov. 22, 1863, Xiangtan, Hunan province, China d. Sept. 16, 1957, Peking <BR> Also called Qi Huang, one of the last of the great traditional Chinese painters. <BR> Qi Baishi was of humble origins and largely through his own efforts became adept at the arts of poetry, calligraphy, and painting. He was active to the end of his long life and served as head of the Peking Institute of Chinese Painting. His prodigious output reflects a diversity of interests and experience, generally within the smaller things of the world rather than the large landscape, and he continued the styles of such 17th- and 18th-century Individualists as Shitao and Zhu Da.