Armband gemaakt van schelp

Beschrijvingskaart: 29 Maart 1955, Simon Kooijman:<BR> Zijnde een dunne ring van schelp. Door de Hr Witte ter plaatse verzameld in zomer 1953.<BR> <BR> According to Sande, wrist ornaments were not much used in Papua. However, towards Geelwinck Bay, people often wear shell rings round both wrists. Yet, there is an bracelet made with Trochus niloticus (collected by Sande in Thae and Wari) used especially by women. Sande saw women on the eastern coast of North New Guinea wearing several bracelets of this kind (between 10 and 15 on each arm). The surface was not engraved as is the case in what was the German part of New Guinea. <BR> <BR>

Armband gemaakt van schelp

Beschrijvingskaart: 29 Maart 1955, Simon Kooijman:<BR> Zijnde een dunne ring van schelp. Door de Hr Witte ter plaatse verzameld in zomer 1953.<BR> <BR> According to Sande, wrist ornaments were not much used in Papua. However, towards Geelwinck Bay, people often wear shell rings round both wrists. Yet, there is an bracelet made with Trochus niloticus (collected by Sande in Thae and Wari) used especially by women. Sande saw women on the eastern coast of North New Guinea wearing several bracelets of this kind (between 10 and 15 on each arm). The surface was not engraved as is the case in what was the German part of New Guinea. <BR> <BR>