
Beschrijvingskaart: 29 Maart 1955, Dr. S. Kooijman :<BR> Uit een stuk hout gemaakt, dat naar de uiteinden puntig toeloopt. Op deze uiteinden is een gevlochten ringetje van rotan gestoken. Hiertegenaan zit de rotan pees vastgeklemd, die ook aan beide kanten in een oog eindigt.<BR> Ter plaatse verzameld in Maart 1953.<BR> <BR> Sande noticed that the bows of Lake Sentani did not possess the important decoration of some bows coming from Humboldt Bay. <BR> Bows and arrows could be deposited in the grave of its wearer after his death. At Asei, in the fence around a grave, the bow of the death man is stuck straight into the soil.<BR> Sande wrote that arms were always carried when going outside the village, and the women working in the gardens were accompanied by men in case of an attack.<BR> Arrows for pig hunting always have a bamboo head, making a large wound. The profuse loss of blood permits to find the animal easily and prevent its escape too far in the bush.<BR> <BR> <BR> Sande noticed that the bows of Lake Sentani did not possess the important decoration of some bows coming from Humboldt Bay.


Beschrijvingskaart: 29 Maart 1955, Dr. S. Kooijman :<BR> Uit een stuk hout gemaakt, dat naar de uiteinden puntig toeloopt. Op deze uiteinden is een gevlochten ringetje van rotan gestoken. Hiertegenaan zit de rotan pees vastgeklemd, die ook aan beide kanten in een oog eindigt.<BR> Ter plaatse verzameld in Maart 1953.<BR> <BR> Sande noticed that the bows of Lake Sentani did not possess the important decoration of some bows coming from Humboldt Bay. <BR> Bows and arrows could be deposited in the grave of its wearer after his death. At Asei, in the fence around a grave, the bow of the death man is stuck straight into the soil.<BR> Sande wrote that arms were always carried when going outside the village, and the women working in the gardens were accompanied by men in case of an attack.<BR> Arrows for pig hunting always have a bamboo head, making a large wound. The profuse loss of blood permits to find the animal easily and prevent its escape too far in the bush.<BR> <BR> <BR> Sande noticed that the bows of Lake Sentani did not possess the important decoration of some bows coming from Humboldt Bay.