
<BR> N.B .: het kladinventaris vermeldt: plakkaat<BR> <BR> - A decree poster during the Republic of China time. The writing means the head of the government is now looking for Traitor General Duan. 讨逆贼令。<BR> - However,it seems the bottom half of the poster had been altered before. The hand of style is different from the top half. <BR> - On the back, it seems that this poster was mailed to Europe through German poster, from ShangHai. <BR> - Translation of the writing: 讨逆军总司令段 为 :通告事此次张动首逆纯系一人之私罪有攸归法无滥及所有该部将士不乏深明大义之人如有自援来归缴械效顺着一律赦免不究特此通告切切。 <BR> - 中华民国六年七月七日


<BR> N.B .: het kladinventaris vermeldt: plakkaat<BR> <BR> - A decree poster during the Republic of China time. The writing means the head of the government is now looking for Traitor General Duan. 讨逆贼令。<BR> - However,it seems the bottom half of the poster had been altered before. The hand of style is different from the top half. <BR> - On the back, it seems that this poster was mailed to Europe through German poster, from ShangHai. <BR> - Translation of the writing: 讨逆军总司令段 为 :通告事此次张动首逆纯系一人之私罪有攸归法无滥及所有该部将士不乏深明大义之人如有自援来归缴械效顺着一律赦免不究特此通告切切。 <BR> - 中华民国六年七月七日