
This basket is woven from rattan or other plant stems, which are entwined or woven together with a leaf strip. <BR> The long stem is laid in a concentric spiral which is tied together with leaves. It has high sides. This basket has as decoration an open-work rim with triangles at the top. <BR> Basketry-making was the job of men. <BR> This kind of basket was used as a bowl for storage or short-distance transport of plant food, especially fruit. These baskets without Parinarium coat are probably left unfinished, because Europeans liked them better. <BR> <BR>


This basket is woven from rattan or other plant stems, which are entwined or woven together with a leaf strip. <BR> The long stem is laid in a concentric spiral which is tied together with leaves. It has high sides. This basket has as decoration an open-work rim with triangles at the top. <BR> Basketry-making was the job of men. <BR> This kind of basket was used as a bowl for storage or short-distance transport of plant food, especially fruit. These baskets without Parinarium coat are probably left unfinished, because Europeans liked them better. <BR> <BR>