Fossiele wervel, als kandelaar gebruikt

2294-9. Candleholder; fossilized vertebrae; w. 23 cm.; 1900-1910.<BR> <BR> According to information supplied by Uhlenbeck (RMV 1935), this vertebrae of a buffalo was used as a candleholder by Adam White Man, who presented it to Mrs. Uhlenbeck as a gift. Adam White Man was among the informants of John C. Ewers when he did fieldwork for his ethnohistorical monograph on the Blackfoot (1958:ix).<BR> <BR> <BR> wervel versteende hals- of ruggewervel fossiel

Fossiele wervel, als kandelaar gebruikt

2294-9. Candleholder; fossilized vertebrae; w. 23 cm.; 1900-1910.<BR> <BR> According to information supplied by Uhlenbeck (RMV 1935), this vertebrae of a buffalo was used as a candleholder by Adam White Man, who presented it to Mrs. Uhlenbeck as a gift. Adam White Man was among the informants of John C. Ewers when he did fieldwork for his ethnohistorical monograph on the Blackfoot (1958:ix).<BR> <BR> <BR> wervel versteende hals- of ruggewervel fossiel