Asperger for sweat lodge ceremony

Engelse tekst<BR> Aspergers were used in Native North America in a variety of ceremonies. This specimen was part of the Plains sweatlodge ritual (tsískani, tsiskáni, or ixtsískàni). This took place in a dome-shaped circular hut, covered with buffalo hides, evocative of the shape of the sun and overarching sky, and was regarded as a sacred space. Stones, the oldest living beings on earth according to Blackfoot traditions, were heated, taken inside and wetted with the asperger, creating clouds of steam. Thus the participants purified themselves physically as well as spiritually, communicating with the supernatural protective powers through the rising steam. This was often done in preparation for other ceremonies. Depending on the latter, the sweatlodge ritual was adapted to appropriate religious requirements (Ewers 1955:223-224; Harrod 1987:128-131; Scriver 1990:197; Dempsey 2001:613). The Leiden asperger is made from buffalo hair, attached to a wooden stick, wrapped in hide, and beaded in red, yellow, and blue. Often horsehair was used in the manufacture of this type of ceremonial paraphernalia (Ewers 1955:223-224).<BR> (Hovens 2008)

Asperger for sweat lodge ceremony

Engelse tekst<BR> Aspergers were used in Native North America in a variety of ceremonies. This specimen was part of the Plains sweatlodge ritual (tsískani, tsiskáni, or ixtsískàni). This took place in a dome-shaped circular hut, covered with buffalo hides, evocative of the shape of the sun and overarching sky, and was regarded as a sacred space. Stones, the oldest living beings on earth according to Blackfoot traditions, were heated, taken inside and wetted with the asperger, creating clouds of steam. Thus the participants purified themselves physically as well as spiritually, communicating with the supernatural protective powers through the rising steam. This was often done in preparation for other ceremonies. Depending on the latter, the sweatlodge ritual was adapted to appropriate religious requirements (Ewers 1955:223-224; Harrod 1987:128-131; Scriver 1990:197; Dempsey 2001:613). The Leiden asperger is made from buffalo hair, attached to a wooden stick, wrapped in hide, and beaded in red, yellow, and blue. Often horsehair was used in the manufacture of this type of ceremonial paraphernalia (Ewers 1955:223-224).<BR> (Hovens 2008)