
Shields serve several functions. Primarily, they are used as defensive weapons in combat. They also function as cermonial objects and are often used in dance. Increasingly, shields have been produced for commerical reasons. Their aesthetic qualities have rendered them a popular collector's item and thus, they are regularly traded. <BR> <BR> The traditional purpose of shield designs is unknown. Various theories about their functions exist. Some consider the more elaborately decorated shields as objects produced for trade and ceremony. Others believe designs are signs of identity. From this perspective, designs may indicate the social status of the owner, their membership to a particular clan or the religious life of their clan. Further theories include the use of shield designs as a means of distracting or dazzling opponents. In some cases, the designs are thought to impart power to the object thereby helping its owner in battle. All are plausible suggestions.


Shields serve several functions. Primarily, they are used as defensive weapons in combat. They also function as cermonial objects and are often used in dance. Increasingly, shields have been produced for commerical reasons. Their aesthetic qualities have rendered them a popular collector's item and thus, they are regularly traded. <BR> <BR> The traditional purpose of shield designs is unknown. Various theories about their functions exist. Some consider the more elaborately decorated shields as objects produced for trade and ceremony. Others believe designs are signs of identity. From this perspective, designs may indicate the social status of the owner, their membership to a particular clan or the religious life of their clan. Further theories include the use of shield designs as a means of distracting or dazzling opponents. In some cases, the designs are thought to impart power to the object thereby helping its owner in battle. All are plausible suggestions.