
Beschrijvingskaart:<BR> Zigzagvormig gevlochten van de luchtwortels van een pandanussoort, langs de randen en overdwars dergelijke gevlochten myceliumrepen.<BR> <BR> In Lake Sentani these bracelets are abundant. They are made with pandanus fibre and black mycelium and were characteristic of the Asei production. Sande collected these armbands also from Muris (see 1528-298) and Ingras. Bundles are often present at the both ends of the bracelet. <BR>


Beschrijvingskaart:<BR> Zigzagvormig gevlochten van de luchtwortels van een pandanussoort, langs de randen en overdwars dergelijke gevlochten myceliumrepen.<BR> <BR> In Lake Sentani these bracelets are abundant. They are made with pandanus fibre and black mycelium and were characteristic of the Asei production. Sande collected these armbands also from Muris (see 1528-298) and Ingras. Bundles are often present at the both ends of the bracelet. <BR>