
Beschrijvingskaart:<BR> Van twee platgeslepen varkenstanden, nabij de wortel doorboord en met touwomwikkeling verbonden. Om een tand een, om de ander twee leren ringetjes.<BR> <BR> This nose ornament consists on both sides of the flat lateral surface of an incisivus. It is made with two tusks. <BR> The small holes at the lower end of each piece are obtained by boring both surfaces, thus making them conical on both sides. Both halves are connected by fibres, sometimes covered with gum to reduce the roughness and to make the thickness at this spot agree with the width of the opening of the septum. Sande underlined a characteristic of Sentani : the use of small rings of snake or lizard skin joined on the tusks.<BR> This ornament is originally a hunting trophy, that is why it is only worn by men. The most common way of wearing this object is probably with the points turned up near the eyes (See Sande, 1907, 251, fig. 157 and 309, fig.198) yet it is left entirely to the wearer. It could be temporarily suspended on the bags. <BR> On Lake Sentani, on ordinary occasions, the set of tusks, which is used as an ornament for the nose, is generally worn on a neck string, either plaited or not, on the breast.


Beschrijvingskaart:<BR> Van twee platgeslepen varkenstanden, nabij de wortel doorboord en met touwomwikkeling verbonden. Om een tand een, om de ander twee leren ringetjes.<BR> <BR> This nose ornament consists on both sides of the flat lateral surface of an incisivus. It is made with two tusks. <BR> The small holes at the lower end of each piece are obtained by boring both surfaces, thus making them conical on both sides. Both halves are connected by fibres, sometimes covered with gum to reduce the roughness and to make the thickness at this spot agree with the width of the opening of the septum. Sande underlined a characteristic of Sentani : the use of small rings of snake or lizard skin joined on the tusks.<BR> This ornament is originally a hunting trophy, that is why it is only worn by men. The most common way of wearing this object is probably with the points turned up near the eyes (See Sande, 1907, 251, fig. 157 and 309, fig.198) yet it is left entirely to the wearer. It could be temporarily suspended on the bags. <BR> On Lake Sentani, on ordinary occasions, the set of tusks, which is used as an ornament for the nose, is generally worn on a neck string, either plaited or not, on the breast.