
Beschrijvingskaart:<BR> Van twee gekrulde stukjes conusschelp, waarvan er een is afgebroken, welke door reepjes boombast door een doorboord gat en omwikkeling aan elkaar verbonden zijn.<BR> Door een man van ca. 30 jaar met de punten omhoog door het tussenschot van de neus gedragen.<BR> <BR> Nose ornaments could be made with different materials as flowers, leaves, stalks, bamboo, bone and shell, boar's tusks, tortoise shell, beads strung on a small bits of string, or glass tubes of photographic tablets when Sande was there (1903). Yet the most highly treasured and the most widely distributed are probably the small bits of Tridacna. <BR> Nose ornaments seemed to be worn by men and women too. Women worn only small tortoise shell rings, and small strings of beads on Lake Sentani and Humboldt Bay. <BR> On Lake Sentani the points were turned upwards, lying against the bridge of the nose. It seems to be unsual to Sande because De Clercq described that it was worn with the points forward. It appeared to be treasured particularly to Sande because he could only buy the specimen from Dojo'' from the proud wearer, for much steel''. <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR>


Beschrijvingskaart:<BR> Van twee gekrulde stukjes conusschelp, waarvan er een is afgebroken, welke door reepjes boombast door een doorboord gat en omwikkeling aan elkaar verbonden zijn.<BR> Door een man van ca. 30 jaar met de punten omhoog door het tussenschot van de neus gedragen.<BR> <BR> Nose ornaments could be made with different materials as flowers, leaves, stalks, bamboo, bone and shell, boar's tusks, tortoise shell, beads strung on a small bits of string, or glass tubes of photographic tablets when Sande was there (1903). Yet the most highly treasured and the most widely distributed are probably the small bits of Tridacna. <BR> Nose ornaments seemed to be worn by men and women too. Women worn only small tortoise shell rings, and small strings of beads on Lake Sentani and Humboldt Bay. <BR> On Lake Sentani the points were turned upwards, lying against the bridge of the nose. It seems to be unsual to Sande because De Clercq described that it was worn with the points forward. It appeared to be treasured particularly to Sande because he could only buy the specimen from Dojo'' from the proud wearer, for much steel''. <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR>