Houten vork

Beschrijvingskaart:<BR> Van donkerbruin palmhout, met drie puntige uitstaande tanden, verenigd in een plat steeltje dat drie rondgaande bandjes vertoont en in een platte ring eindigt.<BR> <BR> This fork was used to prick the food, but also to eat the sago broth, nas. The consistency of this broth makes it very difficult for the non-initiated to get hold of anything with the fork, the slimy substance slips through the prongs and must each time be caught by a dexterous swinging movement , on the upper part of the horizontally kept fork. The fork is then brought across and into the opening of the mouth and the clod is removed inside transversely. <BR> This object may be worn between the upper armlet. The fork could be called dintong, sidoi or siroi.<BR> <BR>

Houten vork

Beschrijvingskaart:<BR> Van donkerbruin palmhout, met drie puntige uitstaande tanden, verenigd in een plat steeltje dat drie rondgaande bandjes vertoont en in een platte ring eindigt.<BR> <BR> This fork was used to prick the food, but also to eat the sago broth, nas. The consistency of this broth makes it very difficult for the non-initiated to get hold of anything with the fork, the slimy substance slips through the prongs and must each time be caught by a dexterous swinging movement , on the upper part of the horizontally kept fork. The fork is then brought across and into the opening of the mouth and the clod is removed inside transversely. <BR> This object may be worn between the upper armlet. The fork could be called dintong, sidoi or siroi.<BR> <BR>